Wednesday, June 11, 2008

I've been trying to figure out this hole blog thing for a while now. So Here is my first blog. So what's been going on in the christiansen family??? Well a lot. We moved from Az to Boise Id in Feb and we are loving it. We moved here for a job Josh was starting here for a builder in AZ. Well to make a long story short, it ended up not working out and josh was out of the job. Bob the builder that sent us up here wanted to move it back to Az and asked us to move back and run in there. Well we weren't about to make another 1000 mile moving trip back. The trip here was the trip from Hell. So we stayed and josh was out of work for three weeks. It was really scary. But we are bouncing back. Josh got a job working for a repo company and he loves it! Well some days when he gets the cars. As for me. I stay at home with Lexi and making another baby girl. I'm due in Sept. We are going to name her Hailey. We are not to sure about a middle name yet. We are so excited for her to get here. I'm not a good pregnant lady. I hate being prego its not fun for me. Even though this one is a lot better than when I was prego with Lexi. I'm not as sick and can actually eat. So I guess its not to bad. The one thing that I love about being prego is that i love to feel the baby move! Its the most amazing thing in the world. Well there is a little update about our lives. And we will see how this blog thing goes.


Melody said...

Good job D! I am excited for you! I will get see how things are going up in Idaho. Yeah! I can add you to my check it list now! Melody

Jenni Russell said...

I have an idea for a middle name... Jenni!!! :)